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What to do about healthcare when in the UK including registering with a GP, getting medicine and emergencies.

Getting access to the right healthcare is important for your wellbeing. Healthcare in the UK is provided by the National Health Service (NHS).

Registering with a General Practitioner

General Practitioners (GPs) provide community healthcare. A GP is usually the first doctor you will see about non-emergency illnesses and health issues. They can refer people to hospitals and medical services for urgent and specialist treatment.

Book appointments in advance or, if needed, urgent on-the-day appointments are also available.

Getting help from a GP

Sponsors should help new arrivals to register at their local GP. You can do this online on any GP practice’s website. You can also use the NHS 111 helpline can if you need health advice before seeing a GP.

Once you have registered with a GP, you can call them on their number to book an appointment. If you need an interpreter, please tell the the person on the phone when you book your appointment.

GPs can also complete a full health check once you have registered with a practice. This can be useful to understand your current level of health and to see if you have any health issues that may need attention. We recommend that you book a full health check even if you do not have any health concerns.


Your GP may prescribe you medication by writing a prescription - a piece of paper signed by the doctor stating what medicine you have been prescribed.

You will need to take your prescription to the pharmacy or chemist to get your medication.

You may need to pay for your medicine. Some people can get free prescriptions.

Getting advice and medicine from a pharmacy

Islington has many pharmacies with trained pharmacists that give advice – they can tell you about common minor illnesses, such as diarrhea, minor infections, headaches, sore throats, or travel health.

You can buy some medicines from the pharmacy without a prescription, including some painkillers and cough medicines.

Covid-19 vaccines

GPs may discuss Covid-19 vaccinations with you. Vaccinations are also available at several hubs in the borough from autumn 2023. Vaccinations are free.

NHS 111 service

NHS 111 makes it easier and quicker for patients to get the right advice or treatment they need for their physical or mental health 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Please call 111 if you urgently need medical help or advice but you are not in a life-threatening situation.

You do not need to be registered with a GP to call 111.

Accident and emergency

For any emergencies or life-threatening health needs, you should visit your closest Accident and Emergency (A&E) department.

A&E departments at local hospitals offer access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week all year round.

Call 999 if someone is seriously ill or injured and their life is at risk.

What to do if there is an emergency or someone is seriously ill

You should call 999 in an emergency for these services:

  • Ambulance - for health emergencies and life-threatening injuries or illnesses
  • Fire - if there is a dangerous fire that could harm people, property and / or risk people's lives
  • Police - if there is a serious crime taking place or a serious crime has happened

Advice for D/deaf and blind people 

For Ukrainian refugees who are blind, partially sighted, deaf, hard of hearing or deaf/blind and require related support, please

Mental health support for adults

Once you are registered with your GP they will arrange a health check and if you need specialist mental health care and support they will arrange this for you. 

There are many voluntary and community services available to Ukrainians based in Islington.

If anyone is at risk of harming themselves, but have no immediate plan to do so, then please contact the Crisis Team on 0800 917 3333 for support and advice. If someone is at immediate risk of harm, call 999.

Mental health support for children and young people

If your child needs mental health support, you can discuss this with your GP, your child's school or another community worker such as a social worker or a nurse.

Drug and alcohol services

Get advice and support for drugs and alcohol, if you or someone you know is having problems.

Teeth and dentists

You can see a dentist if you have issues with your teeth or mouth. Registering with an NHS dentist is important. You may have to pay to see a dentist.

You can search for an NHS dentist near you, or you can register at the same dentist as your sponsor.

For urgent dental treatment you can use the NHS 111 online service if you cannot contact your dentist or you do not have one.

Eyes, sight and opticians

You can see an optician for problems with your eyes or if you need glasses.

You can search for an optician near you on the NHS website, or register with the same opticians as your sponsor

Help with medical costs

You may be able to get help with the costs of some medical services. Visit the NHS website to see if you can get some help with medical costs.