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Apply for planning permission

Before you apply:

Get planning advice

Apply online

How to apply

  • Apply online through the Government’s Planning Portal website. You can complete the application form, attach all relevant documents and pay.
    The website provides simple information on how to apply for planning permission.
  • If you wish to submit a paper copy of the application form you can download and print a copy of this from the Government's Planning Portal website
  • If you need advice and support to make a planning application please visit our pre-application advice service page.
  • If you wish to submit an application for a ‘Temporary Modification of a Condition Relating to Construction Working Hours’ under Section 74B of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, as amended, this will only be accepted where it is emailed to with the subject detailed as ‘Modification to Condition Relating to Construction Working Hours’. Requests for changes to construction hours sent to any other email address will not be accepted. Further guidance, details of where to find validation requirements are available on the following link.
  • If you wish to submit an application to ‘Additional Environmental Approval’ relating to a planning permission with a time limit for implementation that will lapse between 23rd March 2020 and 19th August 2020, this will only be accepted where it is emailed to with the subject detailed as ‘Additional Environmental Approval’. Requests for ‘Additional Environmental Approval’ sent to any other email address will not be accepted. Further guidance, inclusive of validation requirements are available on the following link.