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Council tax bills and benefit or discount applications

We have started posting your annual council tax bills to you.

If you applied for Council Tax benefit or other council tax discount recently, your benefit may not be on your bill. If your application for a benefit is successful, we will send you a new bill showing the new total amount of council tax you will pay.

Only contact us about the missing discount if you haven't got a new bill within one month of when you applied (10 April at the earliest).

House with coin icon

How we work out your bill

Your bill is based on the value of your home and any reduction you may get if you have applied for and receive Council Tax Support or another type of discount.

We give you a council tax bill every year for 5 April this year to 4 April next year. The bill shows how much you will need to pay every month and the total for the whole year. 

Your band and valuation

Every home in Islington is in one of eight 'valuation bands' (A to H). This is based on the market value of your home in 1991. Find out more about council tax bands on the GOV.UK website.

Appeal your valuation

If you have just become a council tax payer for the first time or your property has recently been put in a band you don't agree with, you can appeal the valuation. Use the GOV.UK website to appeal. You must do this within six months of your first bill and continue to pay council tax during the appeal.

Your 2025-26 council tax

This table shows how much you will pay for the year and roughly how much you will pay a month based on your property band. 

You may be able to get money off your bill, for example if you are a student, a care giver or are over 65. You will need to apply for any discount - we do not give discounts based on any other information. 

Property band 2025-26 Council Tax charge Direct debit estimate (12 monthly instalments - to be used as a guide for direct debit only)
A £1,341.21 £111.77
B £1,564.75 £130.33
C £1,788.28 £149
D £2,011.82


E £2,458.89 £204.91
F £2,905.97 £242.16
G £3,353.03 £279.42
H £4,023.64 £335.30

Find out how we are spending council tax money.

Charges that your total bill includes

This table shows the three charges that make up the council tax bill total including the adult social care precept and Greater London Authority (GLA) charge.

Property band Our Band D charge Adult social care precept Greater London Authority (GLA) charge
A £855.72 £168.57 £326.90
B £998.34 £185 £381.41
C £1,140.96 £211.43 £435.89
D £1,283.58 £237.86 £490.38
E £1,568.82 £290.72 £599.35
F £1,854.06 £343.58 £708.33
G £2,139.30 £396.43 £817.30
H £2,567.16 £475.72 £980.76

How we work out what you will pay

We work out how much each property will pay using the 'Band D rate'.

We divide the amount of council tax we need to raise this year - £125.8 million - by the number of Band D homes in Islington (82,672.2). You pay a percentage of this rate based on the value of your home (property band).

About the adult social care precept and Greater London Authority charge

Adult social care precept

The adult social care precept is an extra charge on top of our and GLA's charges, but is included in your total council tax bill. It helps to pay for adult social care in the borough.

The Government decides each year if any local authorities that have adult social care functions under Part 1 of the Care Act 2014 can add the extra charge to council tax bills without holding a referendum.

The precept for 2024/25 is two per cent of the previous year’s total council tax charge.

Greater London Authority (GLA)

This table shows the money we need for the council budget, how much of it we get from central Government, and how much we need to raise from council tax for council spending. It also shows the money we need to give to the GLA.

The GLA charge also uses our Band D rate, as explained under 'how we work out what you will pay'.

What we need to raise from council tax Total amount Amount per Band D property
For the council budget (excluding Lloyd Square) £125.781 million £1,521.44
For the GLA £40.541 million £490.38
Total £166.322 million £2,011.82

Lloyd Square garden area charge

We charge extra council tax for properties on Lloyd Square.

Your band  Lloyd Square garden area charge 2025/26  Total Council Tax charge for Lloyd Square properties 2025/26 Direct debit estimate (12 monthly instalments - to be used as a guide for direct debit only)
A £353.72
£1,694.93 £141.24 
B £412.67 £1,977.42 £164.79
C £471.63 £2,259.91 £188.33
D £530.58 £2,542.40 £211.87
E £648.49 £3,107.38 £258.95
F £766.39 £3,672.36 £306.03
G £884.30 £4,237.33 £353.11
H £1,061.16 £5,084.80 £423.73