Working together to safeguard Islington's children
The purpose of the sub-group is to ensure:
The ISCP promotes training of a high standard, appropriate to the needs of staff across all agencies and sectors enabling them to effectively promote the safeguarding of children.
ISCP partners provide their staff with relevant training so that they are competent and confident to carry out their child safeguarding and protection responsibilities.
Multi-agency training complements the training available to staff in their own agencies / settings and focuses on the ways in which professionals work effectively with others to meet the needs of children.
The ISCP’s multi-agency training offer promotes a common and shared understanding of the respective roles and responsibilities of different professionals and improves a ‘joined up’ approach in working with children and their families/carers.
Training creates an ethos which values working collaboratively with other professionals, respects diversity (including culture, race and disability), is child-centred, promotes partnership with children and families and recognises families’ strengths in responding to the needs of children.
The responsibilities of the sub-group are to:
identify the inter-agency training and development needs of staff and volunteers. This will include needs arising from changes in legislation, formal guidance, evidence from research and learning from case reviews.
annually review the training Strategy Competence Still Matters.
develop an annual training prospectus based on Competence Still Matters and ISCP priorities.
ensure that the content of the training offered is based on latest research and evidence about “what works” when working with children and families in need, including those in need of protection.
ensure training methods used are appropriate to the training outcomes to be achieved and are based on evidence of what works in respect of skill/knowledge development.
establish a quality assurance framework that will enable the sub-group and partner agencies to monitor the quality and impact of their training programmes.
ensure relevant training is provided by individual organisations, in accordance with the ISCP’s training strategy Competence Still maters
ensure that training is reaching the relevant staff within organisations.
ensure lessons from Serious Case Reviews are shared.
monitor attendance and absence/participation in training.
ensure the delivery of the training programme is within the context of diversity and equal opportunities.
contribute to ISCP Business Plan.
Consists of representatives from:
Chair: Named Nurse for Safeguarding, Whittington Health NHS Trust