“I have always felt that Islington offers excellent courses. They are very thorough and well presented. I have been attending for many years and have experienced some superb interactive presentations.”
Islington Safeguarding Children Partnership (ISCP) is committed to ensuring that everyone working with children, young people and families in our community, has the right skills and knowledge, to provide the right support and interventions to protect them from harm, and can competently fulfil their safeguarding responsibilities.
ISCP regards the provision of extensive single and multi-agency, safeguarding training as fundamental to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of children in the borough. The training is to be high quality and child focused, evolving to local need and wider context. Furthermore, to underpin this, ISCP champions a collective understanding and universal approach to workforce development, across relevant agencies.
The training strategy supports one of the primary duties of the Children Act (2004): to ensure local authorities and key agencies work together to improve outcomes for children.
ISCP Training Strategy 2024 - 2026
Multi-agency training should complement the training available to staff in their own agencies / settings and should focus on the way in which work effectively with others to meet the needs of children.
Multi-agency training can be a highly effective way of promoting a common and shared understanding of the respective roles and responsibilities of different professionals and can enhance a ‘joined up’ approach in working with children and their families/carers.
Whilst everybody within the partnership has their own competence and training framework, the London Safeguarding Children Partnership Learning and Improvement Framework sets out the levels (1-5) of competencies are required for the roles.
Level 1 Training – Single Agency/ E-Learning/multi-Agency:
Those who have occasional contact with children, young people and/or parents/carers.
Level 2 Training – Single and Multi-Agency Training:
Those in regular or in intensive but irregular contact with children, young people and/or parents/carers.
Those who work predominantly with children, young people and/or parents/ carers.
Level 3 Training – Multi-Agency Specialist Training:
Those who have particular specialist child protection responsibilities.
Level 4 Training – Multi-Agency or Single Training Agency Specific to the Role:
Operational managers of services for children, young people and/or parents / carers.
Professional advisers and designated leads for child protection.
Level 5 Training - Multi-Agency or Single Agency Training Specific to the Role:
Senior managers responsible for strategic management of services for children, young people and/ or parents /carers.
Members of Local Safeguarding Children Partnerships.
Board Level for Chief Executive Officers, Trust and Health Board Executive and non-executive directors/members, commissioning body Directors.
Local Authority Elected Members, Lay Members or Non-Executive Directors.
The emphasis of the ISCP core training and additional training is to provide you with the knowledge and skills to safeguard and protect children and to develop effective communication between services. The training is delivered in both a course and bitesize learning format to aid in embedding learning and transferring this to practice.
The multi-agency core training offer includes:
Additional Training offered:
All of the training courses are free to anyone who works or volunteers with children, young people and families within Islington
If you have any further enquiries relating directly to training please email ISCPTraining@islington.gov.uk.