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We are excited to present the ISCP Partnership Plan for 2024-2026, designed to guide our collective efforts in safeguarding children and young people in Islington. This plan outlines our strategic priorities, the role of scrutineers, and our detailed scrutiny plans, ensuring transparency and accountability in our work.

Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023 identifies that Partnerships are to “set the strategic direction, vision, and culture of the local safeguarding arrangements, including agreeing and reviewing shared priorities and the resource required to deliver services effectively”.

This Partnership plan, sets out our priorities and the delivery structures for the next two years as well as the proposed areas of scrutiny. Alongside this Partnership plan, please read our ISCP Multi-Agency Safeguarding Arrangements (MASA)  which sets out our structures for delivering our statutory responsibilities.

ISCP Partnership Plan 2024 - 2026

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